We have seen the reach of corporate interests increase and the consequences have had a negative influence. Some may think that Trump will help. Some may think the Democrats are the answer. I believe both of those groups are wrong. We will have battles that will decide not only our safety, but the existence of our positions. We will not win those battles if we allow division among ourselves.
Editors are entitled to take liberties with what they put in their columns. This is not new to the editorial pages, and the SMART Transportation Division (SMART-TD), the nation’s largest freight rail union, is never shy about expressing its opinion, either.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) abandoned 10 other rail unions because of a “memorandum of understanding” it reached with Ancora’s aspiring Norfolk Southern (NS) management.
This article was contributed by Johnny Walker, SMART-TD Local 610's legislative representative. Rail conductors and all other crafts have a role to play in the event of a derailment or accident. In these situations, conductors are first on the scene.
If you find yourself in a crisis situation, the SMART Members Assistance Program (MAP) is available to help. Please call 877-884-6227 for free and confidential assistance. Your employer also may have an in-house employee assistance program (EAP) available. Tuesday, June 27, 2 [...]
“From the Ballast” is an open column for SMART Transportation Division rail members to state their perspective on issues related to the railroad industry. Members of the union are encouraged to submit content by emailing to news_TD@smart-union.org. Columns are published at th [...]