By International President Mike Futhey In state after state, anti-union right-wing extremists are targeting labor unions for destruction. It started with public-employee unions, but that’s not the end game. The end game is destruction of all labor unions in America. Ext [...]
If you wish to attend a rally in support of public-employee collective bargaining rights and workplace democracy, contact your state legislative director. The UTU National Legislative Office, in conjunction with the AFL-CIO, is keeping each state legislative director updated [...]
By Assistant President Arty Martin The attack on public-employee collective bargaining rights by right-wing extremists is intended to destroy labor unions. Union busting is something expected in the private sector; that’s why we have laws to level the playing field, with most [...]
As expected, the Republican-controlled Wisconsin House of Representatives March 10 approved state senate passed legislation revoking collective bargaining rights for public employees. The bill now goes to Republican Gov. Scott Walker who promises to sign it into law. Noting t [...]
The Republican controlled Wisconsin state senate, with all Democrats still absent, passed a bill late Wednesday, March 9, stripping from public employees almost all collective bargaining rights. The vote was 18-1, with a lone Republican, Sen. Dale Schultz, voting “no. [...]
MADISON, Wis. — The Associated Press is reporting that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has softened his insistence that Wisconsin public employees give up nearly all collective bargaining rights. Tens of thousands of Americans — union and non-union — have been d [...]
As right-wing extremist lawmakers in Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin continue their drive to push through anti-union legislation, a status-quo remains this week. But what is moving forward is a public revolt against the union busters. Almost $1 million in political donations from [...]
WASHINGTON — Late Friday, March 4, U.S. District Court Judge John Bates issued several rulings regarding the pending cases regarding the UTU and the Sheet Metal Workers International Association — SMWIA v. UTU and Murphy et al. v. SMWIA. Initially, Judge Bates gra [...]
LOS ANGELES — A Thursday morning in February started like most for bus operator and UTU Local 1564 member Darwin Dawson — making fruit and vegetable protein shakes for fellow Division 18 workers as part of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authori [...]
PHOENIX — The UTU’s Arizona State Legislation Board and UTU members participated in a lobbying day at the Arizona state capitol here to protest the attack in numerous states on collective-bargaining rights, the right to join a union and payroll deduction of union [...]