Bus safety bills introduced in House, Senate

WASHINGTON — Bipartisan legislation to improve motorcoach safety has been introduced in the House and Senate. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) jointly introduced S. 453, the Motorcoach Enhanced Safety Act, which is co-sponsored by Sena [...]

Don’t let our enemies turn back the clock

Why are many UTU members participating across America in rallies opposing attacks on collective-bargaining rights? Why have we created the Collective Bargaining Defense Fund to assist our union brothers and sisters under attack? Because we know that those who ignore the past [...]

High-profile hero pulls savings from Wis. bank

It is said that “all politics is local,” and a hero co-pilot with U.S. Airways made a symbolic gesture in Madison, Wis., last week on behalf of the public employees whose collective bargaining rights are under attack. He withdrew hundreds of thousands of dollars o [...]

Troubling times for public transit

By Vic Baffoni Vice President, Bus Department   These are troubling times for our nation, states and municipalities. Budget problems are forcing cutbacks in a wide variety of public services, and public transit often is targeted for cuts. At the extreme is the union busting g [...]

Latest attack: In Michigan

LANSING, Mich. — In another blow to public employee collective-bargaining rights, the Michigan House and Senate have passed legislation allowing non-elected emergency financial managers in financially struggling cities and school districts to terminate union contracts f [...]