WASHINGTON — As the House of Representatives later this week decides whether to second-guess the expert National Mediation Board, lawmakers must ponder voting for a double standard. At issue is an NMB decision last year to make union representation elections more democr [...]
WASHINGTON — Bipartisan legislation to improve motorcoach safety has been introduced in the House and Senate. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) jointly introduced S. 453, the Motorcoach Enhanced Safety Act, which is co-sponsored by Sena [...]
Say it ain’t so, governor. But it is. Maine Republican Gov. Paul LePage has ordered removal from the Maine Department of Labor of a 36-foot, 11-panel mural depicting the state’s and nation’s proud labor history. Gone will be World War II icon Rosie the Riveter and [...]
Pursuant to a March 4 ruling of a federal district court judge, an arbitrator has been named to determine whether the merger agreement between the UTU and the Sheet Metal Workers International Association (SMWIA) is an enforceable agreement. Georgetown University law professo [...]
Why are many UTU members participating across America in rallies opposing attacks on collective-bargaining rights? Why have we created the Collective Bargaining Defense Fund to assist our union brothers and sisters under attack? Because we know that those who ignore the past [...]
It is said that “all politics is local,” and a hero co-pilot with U.S. Airways made a symbolic gesture in Madison, Wis., last week on behalf of the public employees whose collective bargaining rights are under attack. He withdrew hundreds of thousands of dollars o [...]
By Vic Baffoni Vice President, Bus Department These are troubling times for our nation, states and municipalities. Budget problems are forcing cutbacks in a wide variety of public services, and public transit often is targeted for cuts. At the extreme is the union busting g [...]
WASHINGTON — Speaking to labor’s rank-and-file via an AFL-CIO electronic town hall meeting last week, Vice President Joe Biden warned of “barbarians at the gate” of working families as attacks on collective bargaining and union membership move forward [...]
MADISON, Wis. — It may be only a temporary restraining order, but the decision of a Wisconsin judge last week to block the state legislature from revoking the collective bargaining rights of public employees reflects the controversial nature of the action and keeps it b [...]
LANSING, Mich. — In another blow to public employee collective-bargaining rights, the Michigan House and Senate have passed legislation allowing non-elected emergency financial managers in financially struggling cities and school districts to terminate union contracts f [...]