By Robert KerleyUTU International Vice President America’s soldiers and their families are sacrificing to preserve liberty and ensure justice throughout the world. As labor unionists, we can follow their example of service by remaining resolute in our struggle against i [...]
MADISON, Wisc. — Are labor rallies in support of collective bargaining rights effective? Can the UTU Collective Bargaining Defense Fund make a difference? Do trains run on tracks? Do buses operate on highways? As for Wisconsin, the proof of the value of labor rallies wa [...]
Many physicians and medical practitioners are choosing to withdraw from participation in Medicare. This has a direct financial impact on all UTU members who are retired or intend to retire in the near future. If you are eligible for Medicare, and your physician or medical pra [...]
Throughout America Monday, UTU members joined with brothers and sisters across craft and industrial lines in We Are One rallies reinforcing labor solidarity and raising public awareness of mean-spirited attacks on collective bargaining rights by right-wing extremists. The wor [...]
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Coy Marie Bradshaw Futhey, age 89, mother of UTU International President Mike Futhey, died April 3 in a nursing home here. She was active in the Auxiliary of the UTU and its predecessor, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, and served as president and legi [...]
WASHINGTON — Although 16 Republicans refused to be cowed by their conservative leadership, the House of Representatives last week succeeded in another attack on collective bargaining by voting to nullify a National Mediation Board ruling making representation elections [...]
WASHINGTON — Observing that her five-year-old soccer-mom van contains safety technology more advanced than is integrated into many motor coaches, National Transportation Safety Board Chairperson Deborah Hersman March 30 chided Congress and the Federal Motor Carrier Safe [...]
COLUMBUS, Ohio — It’s official. The Ohio House and Senate have passed anti-union legislation that limits public-employee collective bargaining. Gov. John Kasich intends to sign the bill into law. The legislation bars strikes by public employees and limits collective bar [...]
The attack on organized labor by right-wing extremists seems to have no boundaries. The latest outrage is an attempt by a conservative research group in Michigan to intimidate college professors it considers sympathetic to organized labor. News organizations report the Mackin [...]
Helen Deneen, 88, mother of UTU Wisconsin Legislative Director Tim Deneen died March 28. Tim’s son, Brandan, had been caring for her at her home. A service will be held March 31 at St. Bernard’s Catholic Church, 2015 Parmenter St., Middleton, Wis., and internment [...]