The White House has confirmed today that Labor Secretary Hilda Solis will not return for President Barack Obama’s second term. Prior to her confirmation as Secretary of Labor, Solis served as a member of Congress, representing the 32nd Congressional District in Californ [...]
By Bonnie MorrVice President, Bus Department – Sen. Patty Murray, a Democrat from Washington State, is the new chairperson of the Senate Budget Committee, which makes decisions on how much of the annual federal budget is available for transit. As chairperson, Sen. Murray wil [...]
Civil penalties for school bus firms operating unsafe equipment have been increased, effective Dec. 27, by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The regulation applies to all schools or school systems who own or operate school buses. All school buses, whether in [...]
By Bonnie MorrVice President, Bus Department As we approach year end, I wish everyone happy holidays and a healthy and prosperous new year. During 2012, we have had wonderful success negotiating 11 new contracts, and others are in the negotiating process. I could not be more [...]
Conservative Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are committed to repealing the Affordable Care Act. Conservative Republicans also are committed to privatizing Social Security and turning Medicare into a voucher program with more costs coming out of retirees’ pockets. By co [...]
Members of Local 1596 (Charlotte, N.C.) have finalized new contracts with Transit Management of Charlotte and First Transit of Concord/Kannapolis. The three-year agreements provide for wage increases, improvements in pensions, an increase in the employer contribution to healt [...]
The UTU International is conducting a Treasurers’ Workshop at its headquarters in North Olmsted, Ohio, Oct. 29-31, 2012. Attendance will be limited to 24 registrants. Those interested in attending the workshop should contact the office of the general secretary & treasurer [...]
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. — UTU-represented members employed as bus operators by the Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District have become “the highest-paid bus operators in America” following ratification of a new three-year labor agreement, said Bonnie Morr, vice president of [...]
It’s not all we wanted, but, maybe more important, it’s not as bad as it could have been. Given the polarization of this Congress, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century – MAP-21 – is as good a new transportation authorization bill as we could have hoped for. Passe [...]