Addition of new members brings additional responsibility

I hope this edition of the SMART Transportation Division News finds that all our members enjoyed a safe and happy holiday season. The SMART TD has been successful in recent organizing campaigns, adding new members to our union in general, and the bus department in particular. [...]

Supreme Court case has big implications for NLRB

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday heard oral arguments in a case that could invalidate hundreds of National Labor Relations Board rulings and set the agency back more than a year in its workload if it loses. The dispute could also determine when presidents can use so-called “r [...]

TTD addresses FTA regarding MAP 21 requirements

With the support of the SMART Transportation Division, AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department President Edward Wytkind has written a letter to Administrator Peter Rogoff of the Federal Transit Administration. The letter, on behalf of the 32 member union’s that make up the T [...]

LaHood to co-chair Building America's Future

Two former leading U.S. transportation officials who left the Obama administration in recent months were named on Wednesday to new private-sector posts. Ray LaHood, the former U.S. Secretary of Transportation, will join a Washington, D.C-based advocacy group, where he will pu [...]

FMCSA operation removes 52 unsafe bus companies

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced Dec. 12 that 52 bus companies and 340 vehicles were put out of business and removed from the road as a result of Operation Quick Strike, an eight-month int [...]

Whistleblowers can now file complaints online

WASHINGTON – Whistleblowers covered by one of 22 statutes administered by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration will now be able to file complaints online. The online form will provide workers who have been retaliated against an ad [...]