Charlotte commuter train price jumps by $215M

The Charlotte Area Transit System projects that building a commuter train to Lake Norman would cost $215 million more than expected – a price hike that will likely make it too costly to build. CATS had long planned to use Norfolk Southern freight tracks that parallel Intersta [...]

Still time to add delegates for SMART Convention

Locals entitled to additional Delegates at the SMART General Convention in Las Vegas, Nev., are reminded that there’s still time to elect such Delegates if action is taken quickly. The SMART Constitution’s Article Twenty-One B (21B), Section 55, provides for the scheduling of [...]

Infrastructure Week 2014 will be held May 12-16

Infrastructure Week 2014 will be held May 12-16 and will explore emerging solutions, innovative approaches and best practices being developed nationwide to modernize aging infrastructure. Daily signature events will focus on major infrastructure challenges, including freight [...]

We must understand the meaning of solidarity

By Bonnie Morr, Vice President, Bus –  The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines solidarity as a feeling of unity between people who have the same community of interests or goals based on certain objectives and standards. Is this not what our union, and all of organized labor ar [...]