By John Risch, SMART TD National Legislative Director For those of you who don’t know me, I’m honored to serve as your elected National Legislative Director. I came from the ranks, starting in the track department on the Burlington Northern and went into train service, spendi [...]
Members of SMART Transportation Division Local 1715 in Charlotte, N.C., overwhelmingly approved a new three-year contract, Friday, Sept. 9, reports Vice President Calvin Studivant. “I would like to thank General Chairperson (GCA TMD) Hasson Trent, Vice General Chairpers [...]
SMART Transportation Division wishes everyone a happy Labor Day. Read below to learn about the history of Labor Day. Department of Labor on the history of Labor Day Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the so [...]
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) issued the final rule for the Public Transportation Safety Program that establishes procedural rules for FTA to administer a comprehensive safety program to improve the safety of federally-funded public transportation systems. The fina [...]
HEAT ILLNESS CAN BE DEADLY The body normally cools itself by sweating. During hot weather, especially with high humidity, sweating isn’t enough. Body temperature can rise to dangerous levels if you don’t drink enough water and rest in the shade. You can suffer fro [...]
SMART Transportation Division has partnered with MetLife to bring our Rail and Bus members the most comprehensive and cost-effective Voluntary Long-Term Disability plans. VLTD insurance helps you protect your income if you suddenly have to stop working due to an accident or i [...]
Santa Cruz Metro bus drivers narrowly avoided being laid off, when a new budget was reached Friday, June 24, saving the drivers’ jobs. The budget hinges on a pending sales tax ballot measure to be voted on by taxpayers in the November elections. Metro approved a two-year budg [...]
During this upcoming Memorial Day weekend, let’s take an opportunity to remember that the simple freedoms we take for granted exist because of our brothers and sisters of the United States Armed Forces, who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country. Learn more abo [...]
Ten First Student Bus locations have recently received the Blue Seal of Excellence from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). Of the 10 properties that received the award, Local 1908 of Buffalo, N.Y., were one of those properties. According to First [...]
National Legislative Director John Risch and Local 759 (Newark, N.J.) Secretary and Treasurer Craig Harrison testified at a public hearing today before the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) about Obstructive Slee [...]