Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 1919, Elaine, Arkansas. In honor and memory of the 97th Anniversary of the massacre of 237 of our African American brothers and sisters of Elaine, Arkansas, who fought and died for economic justice and human rights in their fight to organize the Progr [...]
The New York Times reported that a New Jersey Transit train has crashed into a major Hoboken, NJ transit hub during rush hour. A transportation official confirmed that one person has died and many others have been injured. Urban Search and Rescue squads are at the site. No [...]
Brother Alfred “Al” H. Chesser, 102, a champion of the American rail worker and first-elected president of the United Transportation Union (UTU), died Sunday, September 25, 2016. On January 1, 1969, the UTU (now known as SMART Transportation Division) was formed, [...]
The Transportation Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, highlights the stark difference in how Clinton and Trump stand on transportation issues, underscoring how the outcome of this election may profoundly impact the health and future of transportation unions and all working fam [...]
The reported that just days after a backpack filled with explosives was found near a New Jersey train station, Senator John Thune (R-S.D.), chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, and Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), its ranking member, submitted [...]
Dear Members of the SMART Transportation Division: The Baton Rouge, Louisiana flood waters, caused by an unprecedented, “thousand-year rainfall” have subsided, yet the devastation left behind in loss of life and destruction of property is immeasurable. Baton Rouge is located [...]
The AFL-CIO just released a poll that shows a significant drop in support for Trump from Ohio union members. From Trump’s support of “Right to Work” laws aimed at dismantling unions, to Pence’s 99% record of voting against labor, the downward shift in [...]
Sisters and Brothers, My most recent post generated some lively feedback and I spent quite a bit of time speaking to members on the phone and answering all the emails I received about our endorsement Of Hillary Clinton for president. To be clear, my role and our union’s role [...]
The Ohio State Legislative Board is pleased to announce a great new tool with the recent addition to the website: Ohio Legislative Action Center This is the first ‘State Specific’ – Legislative Action Center within SMART TD State Legislative Boards. This is [...]
“Working Americans must act together, because the only things that can be done for workers must be done by workers – collectively. Like Washington, Jefferson and Adams, we don’t need a king – we need each other.” – Tom O’Brien. Read the article in its [...]