SMART Union Celebrates Black History Month

As we celebrate Black History Month in February 2017, read about the groundbreaking inventions from African-American inventors that had a major impact across all American labor sectors, including the transportation industry: Andrew Jackson Beard, born a slave in Alabama, beca [...]

Go Fund Me account set up for fallen Brother, John Schneider

Friends of fallen Brother, John P. Schneider, recently set up a Go Fund Me account that is accepting donations in support of Brother Schneider’s family. Click here to donate. Schneider, 54, of Spokane Valley, Wash., was hit and killed by a Union Pacific train on Tuesday [...]

Who’s Behind National Right to Work?

Who’s behind right-to-work? Ignoring the facts about “right-to-work,” far-right politicians across the country are promoting these deceptive policies as payback to their Big Business donors. By weakening workers’ ability to have a say about their job, right to work weakens un [...]

Remembering Dr. King

On Monday, January 16, 2017, every member of the SMART union will stand with our entire nation in honor, solidarity and remembrance of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King’s brilliance, vision, leadership and ultimate personal sacrifice shifted the cours [...]

Human Rights Committee update

In an effort to improve efficiencies and provide enhanced, more cost effective service to our members, the SMART Transportation Division has recently conducted a review of its internal operations. One of the areas identified for restructuring is the process for providing assi [...]

Republicans plan attacks on unions’ political power

According to an article published by The Hill, Republicans are planning a renewed attack on the political power held by unions via the passing of right-to-work and other unfavorable laws. This comes in the wake of the GOP victories across the country in November giving Republ [...]