New battery chemistry may ‘green’ transit buses

A zero-tailpipe-emissions transit bus is in the works from GE Global Research, report and The new technology, according to, combines an energy-dense sodium batter with a high-power lithium battery, and could “help acceler [...]

Federal jobless benefits expire for millions

WASHINGTON — Long term federal unemployment benefits expired Dec. 1 for hundreds of thousands of jobless as the lame-duck Congress failed to take action to extend them. Millions more will lose benefits if Congress does not act. Federal unemployment benefits had begun af [...]

Congress facing jobless benefits deadline

WASHINGTON – When the lame-duck Congress returns to the House and Senate floors Monday, Nov. 29, they will have until midnight Tuesday to prevent a lapse in federal long-term unemployment benefits. If lawmakers in the House and Senate do not extend those federal unemployment [...]

Last chance to enroll dependent children

An agreement was reached with the carriers’ National Railway Labor Conference to extend until Dec. 31, 2010, the deadline for enrolling eligible dependent children for coverage under the National Railway Carriers and UTU Health and Welfare Plan (NRC/UTU) or the Railroad [...]

Update on 2011 Medicare premiums

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services says that while the standard monthly Part B premium will rise to $115.40 in 2011, most Medicare beneficiaries will not see an increase in their monthly Part B premiums. This is because of a hold-harmless provision in current la [...]

Continuing income a concern for retirees

After a lifetime of hard work, SMART TD rail, bus and airline members look forward to a secure retirement. In an ideal world, it would be that simple. In the real world, careful planning and attention to detail are essential. Topping the list of retirement concerns are money [...]