Making bus voices heard in Washington

By Bonnie MorrAlternate Vice President, Bus Department The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is seeking comments on proposed new rules affecting drivers of commercial motor vehicles, which includes bus operators. The rules cover revocation or disqualificatio [...]

Democrats named to T&I Committee

WASHINGTON — Democrats have finalized appointments to the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, whose ranking member is Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) Most transportation legislation affecting aviation, bus and rail originates in this committee. The Democratic mem [...]

GOP Senator Hutchison to retire in 2012

WASHINGTON — Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, the senior Republican on the Senate Commerce Committee, announced she will retire at the end of 2012, when her third six-year term ends. The Senate Commerce Committee has oversight of many rail, transit, air and bus issue [...]