Category: Amtrak/Commuter
Open enrollment has begun for SMART-TD bus, rail VLTD plans
The SMART Transportation Division is excited to announce the first open enrollment period has begun for SMART-TD’s Voluntary Long-Term Disability (VLTD) and Voluntary Group Life (VLIFE) plans for bus and railroad members. For railroad members, the plans are designed to [...]TD initiates census effort — please verify your information!
In today’s world, it’s important for the union to keep current and accurate information so members can stay informed on things that are important to them. This can be accomplished through the SMART mobile app, via the SMART Member Portal on the SMART website or the old-fashio [...]Railroad Retirement Board statements of service being issued
Each year, the U.S. Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) prepares a Form BA-6, Certificate of Service Months and Compensation, for every railroad employee with creditable railroad compensation in the previous calendar year. The RRB will mail the forms to employees during the first [...]Registration for annual SMART Leadership Conference now open for TD officers
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