Disability annuities for railroad employees

The Railroad Retirement Act provides disability annuities for railroaders who become totally or occupationally disabled. Medicare coverage before age 65 is also available for totally disabled employees and those suffering from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) or chronic ki [...]

Plaque commemorates railroad strike of 1887

Most of the historical plaques at Camden Yards are about particular players’ home-runs or Babe Ruth’s father’s tavern, but a new marker outside the ballpark pays tribute not to ballplayers but to workers whose names we’ll never know. Unveiled yesterday, the sign on the Howard [...]

Diet, weight control, exercise are keys to healthy living

By Dr. Norman K. BrownUTU Medical Consultant We have known for a long time that inadequate oxygen from poor heart or lung function, or poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide carried from breathing into our lungs, can injure our brains. Recent studies of women exposed to seco [...]

Acting for impaired Railroad Retirement beneficiaries

According to Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) policy, every annuitant has the right to manage his or her own benefits. However, when physical or mental impairments make a railroad retirement annuitant incapable of properly handling benefit payments, or where the RRB determines [...]

We pledge allegiance, in solidarity

By SMART General President Joe Nigro –  We are one! Not only as a result of our recent merger, but also by the pledge we make to one another as union brothers and sisters. The strength of organized labor lies in the hearts and minds of every union member who understands the m [...]

A guide to RR Medicare’s voice-responsive phone line

You need to know more about your Railroad Medicare benefits or specific claims.  Sometimes you’d like to find the information on your own, and other times, you want to speak with a Customer Service Representative (CSR).  Railroad Medicare, administered by Palmetto GBA, gives [...]

Union membership slips after anti-labor attacks

The percentage of American workers in labor unions took an unusually large fall in 2012, dropping to 11.3 percent last year from 11.8 percent in 2011, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced. The total number of union members also took an unusually big drop, by 400,000, to 1 [...]

Contacting Railroad Medicare when a beneficiary dies

Handling the affairs of a deceased family member can be a difficult task. But like estate planning, it’s important to prepare in advance. Medicare law prevents contractors from disclosing information and updating records for a deceased beneficiary without appropriate document [...]