Unions In WI and WV Challenge RTW

Eleven unions filed petitions in a local W.Va. court arguing that the state’s new “Right-to-work” law amounts to an illegal seizure of their property and resources. The bill was vetoed by Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, however, his veto was overrode by a Republican majority in th [...]

SMART TD, BLET: Federal regulators must prohibit one-person freight train crews

SMART Transportation Division President John Previsich and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) President Dennis Pierce, issued a joint statement, following their submission of their comments to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) on train crew size. [...]

SMART TD to Washington state: DEIS will set "troubling precedent"

John Risch, National Legislative Director with SMART TD, submitted comments to Cowlitz County and the Washington State Department  of Ecology, in concern over the state’s possible efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from major construction projects, and the neg [...]

Momentum shifting in state battles

It’s not just federal elections that have an impact on working families. As we were reminded all too well in places like Wisconsin and Michigan, state and local elections can have far reaching consequences. For the past six years, working families have been placed on the defe [...]