Federal agencies announce random testing rates for 2020

Federal agencies have announced their random drug testing rates for the new calendar year. In December, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced a test rate increase from 25 percent to 50 percent of the average number of driver positions because of an [...]

Thank you to our veterans

As we pause to recall the sacrifices that those who have served and their families have made to solidify and defend the freedoms that we enjoy in the United States, SMART-TD wanted to provide this list of services available to military veterans today and throughout the year. [...]

Ohio SLD: Opponents to rail safety bill to appear in Columbus on Oct. 22; support needed

State Legislative Director Stu Gardner said that a hearing for opponents of H.B. 186 to appear before the Ohio House Transportation and Public Safety Committee has been scheduled. Opponents are scheduled to give testimony at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22 in Ohio Statehouse Room 11 [...]