Big updates in new version of SMART app

SMART is proud to announce to TD members the launch of a new upgrade in the union’s mobile app. Packed with enhanced and new features, the SMART app is now, more than ever, an essential resource for TD members to stay up to speed with important information and another way tha [...]

Updates to Indiana’s South Shore line is getting back on track

The Indiana South Shore Line, operated by Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD), is finally going to be revamped, according to Portage.Life. The very last rider boarded from the 11th Street warming shelter and the train left at 2:18 a.m., Saturday, May 1, [...]

SMART Statement on American Families Plan

Yesterday, President Biden released the American Families Plan and delivered an address to a joint session of Congress. In response, SMART issued the following statement. “After his first 100 days in office, it is clear, President Biden is delivering on his promise to recover [...]