Rail timebooks shipping soon

The shipment of SMART Transportation Division rail timebooks is expected at the SMART Transportation Division office Monday, Dec. 23. As soon as the timebooks are received, delivery to rail locals will be expedited. The SMART transportation division apologizes for the delay.

SMART arbitration award released

Georgetown University Law Professor and Arbitrator Michael H. Gottesman has issued a second ruling in the arbitration proceedings between two divisions of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers as they work to create a single consti [...]

OSHA finds Illinois Central violated whistleblower law

JACKSON, Miss. – A whistleblower investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration determined that Illinois Central Railroad Co., by conducting a disciplinary hearing, retaliated against a worker for reporting a work-related i [...]

Rise of oil trains fueling concerns in small towns

WOLF POINT, Mont. – It’s tough to miss the trains hauling crude oil out of the Northern Plains. They are growing more frequent by the day, mile-long processions of black tank cars that rumble through wheat fields and towns, along rivers and national parks. As comm [...]

FMCSA operation removes 52 unsafe bus companies

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced Dec. 12 that 52 bus companies and 340 vehicles were put out of business and removed from the road as a result of Operation Quick Strike, an eight-month int [...]

Federal judge approves auction of bankrupt MM&A

Freight trains rolled through Lac Megantic, Quebec, Dec. 18 for the first time since the July derailment and subsequent explosion and fire that killed 47 people. In Bangor, meantime, a federal judge has given the green light for a late January auction to sell the bankrupt rai [...]

Rail safety agency stretched thin, getting thinner

The nation’s foremost railroad watchdog is potentially facing a serious workforce shortage, raising questions about its ability to ensure safety after a string of high-profile accidents. With 324 safety inspectors across the country, government investigators say, the Federal [...]

Class I CEO's predict 2014 trends

It’s impossible to predict the future with a high degree of certainty, but Class I chief executive officers are fairly certain a couple of sectors will remain explosive business-growth candidates in 2014. Crude oil and domestic intermodal essentially are can’t mis [...]