SMART General President Nigro to retire April 30

Joseph J. Nigro is retiring as general president of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, and Transportation Workers (SMART), effective April 30. He is stepping down in order to fully focus on recovering from a series of recent surgeries. The SMART General [...]

Treat members alike, represent the interests of all

By Calvin Studivant, Vice President – Bus –  On behalf of the Smart Transportation Division officers, and especially the officers of the Bus Department, I would like to wish all of our members and their loved ones a safe, healthy and prosperous 2015. Now that the electi [...]

What do we, as a labor organization, want?

By John Risch, National Legislative Director –  What do we want? What do you want? What does your union want? What does labor want? The most common question I get when working Capitol Hill here in Washington, D.C., is – “What’s the ask?” – meaning, what is it you’re going to [...]