Our union mourns the loss of Brother George Casey, a 55-year union member who passed away on Saturday, March 1, at the age of 74. Arrangements are scheduled for this upcoming Thursday, March 6. Read on to learn about Brother Casey’s 50-year Amtrak career and the legacy that he’s left with SMART-TD.
UPDATE: Arrangements announced for the Celebration of Life for 2023 SMART-TD Man of the Year, Dan Bonawitz (Local 1409 Kansas City, Kansas). We mourn the loss of Dan Bonawitz, a dedicated union brother who spent nearly two decades fighting for workers' rights, safety, and equality. His tireless advocacy has left an impactful legacy within the SMART-TD community.
Howard Edmonds began a railroading legacy. During his 37-year career, he set an example for his son and grandson, who mourn his January 28 passing and look ahead to their own futures on the rails. Read on to learn more about what started this unexpected family tradition.
After a hard-fought battle against Stage 4 cancer, Brother Charles "Chuck" Cheek passed away last month at the age of 53. Read on to hear how our SMART-TD union family came together to assist with his mounting medical expenses and show what solidarity is all about.
With a career spanning over four decades, Brother Albert Buford “Sonny” Woodall dedicated much of his life to advocating for railroad workers, especially our Louisiana members. His relentless commitment to improving safety and increasing the respect given to his fellow workers is the hallmark of his legacy.
It is with deep sadness and heavy hearts that we announce the tragic passing of SMART-TD member and Union Pacific Conductor Phillip Araujo. As recently reported, he and his engineer, Clay Burt, lost their lives when their train collided with a tractor-trailer in Pecos City, Texas. Brother Ryan Monts of BLET Division 212 has started a GoFundMe account to support the families of Araujo and Brother Burt.
A collision between a Union Pacific train and a tractor-trailer in Pecos, Texas, on December 18 resulted in the deaths of two railroad workers. SMART-TD extends condolences to the victims' families and to Local 823 in their time of grieving.
Conductor Austin Raysby died while in service for Union Pacific on Sept. 4. An online fundraiser has been established by the union to assist his family in their time of loss.
Joshua Bates, a member of Local 496 in Ohio, died while on the job of a heart attack. A fundraiser has been established by his union family for his wife and three children.
Michael Anderson, 78, a retired California state legislative director and longtime assistant state legislative director from Local 1570 (Roseville, Calif.), passed away Aug. 8, 2024. Brother Anderson, a second-generation railroader, began his rail career as a switchman at Sou [...]