GP Coleman tells delegates: “We’re not done.” General President Michael Coleman kicked off the Third SMART General Convention on August 12, 2024, at Caesars Forum in Las Vegas, Nev. In a nod to the convention theme — “Challenge met. But we’re not done.” — Coleman celebrated o [...]
NABTU president to delegates: “What we do will impact future generations.” North America’s Building Trades Unions President Sean McGarvey has spent decades working alongside SMART members and leaders to win progress for workers in the legislative, organizing and economic deve [...]
Delegates elect officers to lead union Delegates to the Third SMART General Convention elected Michael Coleman of Local 33 (Cleveland, Ohio) as the union’s general president on Wednesday, August 14, by acclamation. “I nominate a person I respect, a person who puts the advance [...]
Helms: “We’re not done” bringing veterans into the trades Delegates gave a warm welcome to Helmets to Hardhats Executive Director Martin Helms. Helmets to Hardhats works to bring United States military veterans into the unionized building trades, helping those who served to f [...]
Delegates, leaders recognize SMART Army award-winners On Friday, delegates and recently elected leaders paid tribute to the winners of the 2024 Joseph J. Nigro SMART Army Service Award: SMART Local 85 (Atlanta, Ga.) Apprentice Dee Lee and the late Sam Nasca, former SMART-TD N [...]
Throughout the Third SMART General Convention, various convention committees delivered reports to delegates. Rules Committee Committee Chair Bill Kenyon (Local 54, Southwest Gulf Coast Regional Council) and Committee Secretary Mark Hall (Local 473) presented the committee’s r [...]
A Kansas City transit union secured massive raises after a negotiation bootcamp with a SMART-TD vice president. “Not only did this help in negotiating this agreement, but it’s also made me more effective in representing my members on the property in day-to-day operations”
– Ethel Maze, Local 1704 president
SMART Rail, Mechanical and Engineering (RME) members employed by San Diego Trolley Inc. (SDTI) in San Diego, Calif., and North County Transit District (NCTD) in Oceanside, Calif., have elected a new slate of officers to guide Local 398 into the future. Local 398 is responsibl [...]
Back in March of 2000, a group of then-UTU (United Transportation Union) female conductors was joined by women from other transportation crafts to recognize these groundbreaking sisters on the railroad. The photo was taken in front of a then brand-new Dual Mode Locomotive Eng [...]