Local 20 SMART Army helps rebuild local homes

On April 9, 2022, the SM Local 20 (South Bend, Ind.) SMART Army was out in full force, helping Rebuilding Together St. Joseph County rehabilitate the homes of low-income homeowners in the local community. This year, 13 volunteers — from journey people to apprentices — took pa [...]

Local 38 honors American heroes

On Wednesday, June 1, the Local 38 SMART Army helped assemble The Wall That Heals at Veteran’s Memorial Park in Norwalk, Connecticut.

SM Local 58 builds beds for kids in need 

Left to right: Nick Cometti, Dave Renshaw, Gabe Precourt, Doug Cox, Viki Siok, Jeff Herling and Trevor LeBeau. On April 3, 2022, SM Local 58’s (Syracuse, N.Y.) SMART Army gathered in Utica to help Sleep in Heavenly Peace build twin-size and bunk beds for kids without beds in [...]

Virginia TD locals take action in their communities  

Throughout April — the SMART Army’s month of community action — SMART Transportation Division members across Virginia mobilized to serve their neighbors, build solidarity and forge relationships that stand to better our union. On April 22, members of SMART TD Local 854 (Ports [...]

SM Local 12 hosts fishing and picnic event for area kids

On Saturday, May 7, SMART Local 12 (Southwestern Pa.) hosted its annual Take Kids Fishing Day at Derry Rod and Gun Club Lake, inviting local SMART families and children, as well as youth from the Westmoreland County Autism Society, for a fun day of fishing followed by a picni [...]

Local 5 SMART Army marches in Knoxville Suffrage Parade

On Saturday, May 7, members of SM Local 5 (East Tennessee) marched in the Knoxville Suffrage Parade: a celebration of the 102nd anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote. As Local 5 wrote on Face­book, “In the early 1900s, union trades in Knoxvi [...]

Local 27 SMART Army joins trash cleanup

On March 19, 2022, the SM Local 27 (Southern N.J.) SMART Army filled 42 contractor trash bags with litter during a trash cleanup spanning two miles of Silver Run Road in Millville, N.J. Local 27 Business Agent John Whittington and his son joined members Don Cooper, Ken Andelo [...]