Since 2018, Local 5 (east Tennessee) sheet metal members have been hard at work on one of the largest construction projects in the history of the state — and one of vital importance to the country at-large. The National Nuclear Security Administration’s Uranium Processing Fac [...]
In July, SMART Local 104 (northern California) partnered with the Construction Trades Workforce Initiative (CTWI), gathering with 42 elected officials to watch 54 talented MC3 graduates dive deep into our craft. The event helped demonstrate the strong connection between educa [...]
Local 36 (St. Louis) sheet metal worker-turned-signatory contractor Rochelle Bonty was recognized by the Missouri Women in Trades (MOWIT) in early April, when she earned an honorable mention in MOWIT’s 2022 Contractor of the Year category. Bonty, the first Black woman in the [...]
Local 48 (Birmingham, Ala.) member Charles G. Brown was recently recognized for his 70 years of service to our union. Congratulations on this well-earned award, brother!
Young people from around Kentucky braved rainstorms to spend several hours honing their fishing skills on Saturday, May 20, during three separate Take Kids Fishing Day events hosted by SMART Local 110 (Louisville, Ky.), the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) and the Kentucky De [...]
From Delaware to Oregon, sheet metal local unions are winning state legislative victories, helping put SMART members to work and improving the well-being of their communities. On July 26, members of SMART Local 19 (Philadelphia, Pa.) joined Delaware Governor John Carney at th [...]
The SM Local 218 Retirees’ Club hosted a 100th birthday party for 82-year member Renato Favero, who turned 100 during the last week of August. Pictured, left to right: Paul Favero (Renato’s son); Renato Favero; Paul Hayes, international organizer; Rich Manka, business manager.
President Joe Biden visited SMART Local 19 (Philadelphia, Pa.) on Labor Day, honoring America’s workforce with sheet metal workers and union members from across the area during the annual Tri-State Labor Day Parade and Celebration. Local 19 apprentice Brittany Rivera introduc [...]
Throughout the spring and summer of 2023, approximately 125 SMART Local 105 members were performing HVAC, kitchen, architectural and TAB work on the new home of the Los Angeles Clippers, known officially as the Intuit Dome. The $2 billion project is slated to open for the 202 [...]
SMART Local 206 (San Diego, Calif.) sheet metal workers are currently on the job at the IQHQ Research and Development District in downtown San Diego: a large, mixed-use, life science development that spans eight acres and six city blocks. Once completed, it will be California [...]