LOS ANGELES — A Thursday morning in February started like most for bus operator and UTU Local 1564 member Darwin Dawson — making fruit and vegetable protein shakes for fellow Division 18 workers as part of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authori [...]
Warning: Do not try this without your employer’s permission. That said, a bus driver in Geneva, Switzerland, has gained television stardom there for her singing while at the wheel, reports AFP international news service. The 49-year-old female driver, Maya Wirz, was giv [...]
UTU member Patricia Smith, a conductor with the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Railway (PATH), has been elected general chairperson (GO 795, Local 1413, Jersey City, N.J.) — the first female general chairperson in the 103-year-history of PATH. A subsidiary of the Port Auth [...]
BUFFALO — UTU-member and Buffalo school bus driver Yolanda Luciano (Local 1908) is being hailed as a hero — likely saving the lives of one or more of the eight elementary-school students aboard her First Student bus by engaging in a split-second emergency defensiv [...]
Keith Fitzhugh is a conductor trainee on Norfolk Southern’s Atlanta North District. He could be playing football with the New York Jets. If you think trading a National Football League playbook for an operating employee’s rulebook is something akin to carrying the ball [...]