SMART Member Wins Elk Hunt of a Lifetime

By Courtney Miller (Union Sportsmen’s Alliance) Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) member Lindsay Lanning was flipping through her SMART Journal when the words “Stalking Your Dream Hunt?” caught her attention. It was a page about the USA and Carhartt Ultimate Elk Hunt Swe [...]

Tiffany Newman, SM Pioneer Profiled In Industry Magazine

Tiffany Newman, a 37 year old mother of three and member of Local 276 is profiled in Roofing BC Magazine.  Not only has she fulfilled the role as a pioneer in the roofing industry but she has given back to her local community as well by serving as a member of the Shawligan La [...]

Arizona Member Wins Ultimate Elk Hunt

Lindsay Lanning of Glendale, Arizona, was selected as the grand prize winner of the Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) and Carhartt Ultimate Elk Hunt Sweepstakes, winning a guided five-day elk hunt in the Gila National Forest in New Mexico, valued at approximately $22,000. Lann [...]