International President Mike Futhey SAN ANTONIO — Stronger protections for members, improved finances, successful organizing drives and superior wage and benefits agreements characterize the United Transportation Union in 2011, International President Mike Futhey told s [...]
By General Secretary & Treasurer Kim Thompson Just as you balance your personal checkbook and compare income to expenses in making decisions where to spend and where to save, we at UTU International make similar decisions with your dues. Accepting responsibility to protec [...]
By International President Mike Futhey I was asked if our Collective Bargaining Defense Fund, the UTU PAC and our recently inaugurated direct-contact-with-members outreach can stop the assault on labor by conservative extremists. In union there is strength, and when members o [...]
By Assistant President Arty Martin While we go about our daily lives, political extremists are gaining strength and working non-stop to undermine and eliminate much of what we cherish on the job and look forward to in retirement. It’s not just Wisconsin and Ohio where r [...]
By UTU Assistant President Arty Martin While watching the Major League Baseball Game of the Week Saturday between the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox, I was reminded of how important history and heritage are. Prior to the start of the game, a special guest of the Red Sox [...]
By Robert KerleyUTU International Vice President America’s soldiers and their families are sacrificing to preserve liberty and ensure justice throughout the world. As labor unionists, we can follow their example of service by remaining resolute in our struggle against i [...]
By International President Mike Futhey In state after state, anti-union right-wing extremists are targeting labor unions for destruction. It started with public-employee unions, but that’s not the end game. The end game is destruction of all labor unions in America. Ext [...]
By Assistant President Arty Martin The attack on public-employee collective bargaining rights by right-wing extremists is intended to destroy labor unions. Union busting is something expected in the private sector; that’s why we have laws to level the playing field, with most [...]
The signs — carried, pasted and nailed about the Wisconsin state capitol building this past weekend — say it all: “United we bargain, divided we beg.” For labor, this may be our finest hour, as working families have gathered peacefully, but strong, con [...]
By UTU International President Mike Futhey The right of workers to join a labor union and bargain collectively with employers over wages, benefits and working conditions is the foundation of workplace democracy. Brave and dedicated trade unionists before us risked their lives [...]