Category: Leadership
They hire you, then work to fire you
By John Previsich, UTU Assistant President/ GS&T – Discipline in the railroad industry is a curious business. I recall that when I first hired out, I was proud of my new employment. The railroad had selected me over other well-qualified applicants, and I was sent to scho [...]- Tags discipline, John Previsich
As Sandy headlines fade, member needs remain
By UTU International President Mike Futhey – For many of our brothers and sisters in the Northeast, much was washed away by Hurricane Sandy – but not their hope, their pride or their sense of duty. Despite the flood devastation that stole irreplaceable possessions, homes and [...]No room for drugs, alcohol in workplace
By Assistant President John Previsich We all know that drug and alcohol use can have a negative impact on users, fellow employees and the transportation industry. That said, it must be emphasized that SMART members are to be commended for setting a compliance standard that pl [...]- Tags alcohol, drugs, John Previsich
Amtrak’s future crucial to Rail Retirement financing
Stem “Every Amtrak employee should be placed in a productive position that supports the needs of customer service and managed growth of operations,” UTU National Legislative Director James Stem told Congress Nov. 28. “Amtrak operating crews are among the most productive [...]- Tags Amtrak, Congress, James Stem, railroad retirement
Obama win offers working families brighter future
By UTU International President Mike Futhey – For UTU members employed in the airline, rail and transit industries, the Obama/Biden victory and U.S. Senate election results translate to: * More, and more secure, transportation jobs. * More support to increase funding for publ [...]- Tags Barack Obama, election, Joe Biden, senate
Beware this backdoor effort to silence labor’s voice
By National Legislative Director James Stem – You remember Humpty Dumpty, the character created by children’s author Lewis Carroll. Most famously, Humpty Dumpty said, ‘When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean.” Humpty Dumpty may well have wr [...]- Tags James Stem, PACs, Proposition 32
Congressional elections matter to UTU members
By John Risch,Alternate National Legislative Director – Congressional elections do matter. They make a difference when it comes to our job security, wages, benefits, retirement and our safety in the workplace. President Obama and labor-friendly congressional representat [...]Romney will deliver on his promises
By International President Mike Futhey – There is an old political saying: “If you stop lying about me, I’ll stop telling the truth about you.” When it comes to Mitt Romney, we don’t have to tell the truth about him. He already is telling the truth about himself. Here [...]- Tags Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan