As I prepare for retirement, there are many things on my mind about the future of our industry and transportation workers that I have had the honor to represent during my career. The most important item on my agenda today, and every day during the past 31 years that I have be [...]
Video tribute to Al Chesser, former UTU General President who was instrumental in uniting the railroad crafts under the banner of the United Transportation Union. (View video)
On this Labor Day, we can be thankful for the resiliency each and every member of this Union has shown in dealing with the after-effects of this past recession. While there is still much work left to do, we are on the right track to a better and brighter future for members an [...]
SMART General President Joseph Nigro opened the proceedings of the First SMART General Convention Aug. 6 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas with a message stressing education, strength and unity. Following the presentation of the Colors by the Palo Verde High School Junior ROTC a [...]
On the last day of the SMART Transportation Division Convention, held in San Diego, Calif., General President Joseph Nigro addressed the delegates and discussed transparency, solidarity between construction and transportation workers, along with giving a look at the upcoming [...]
A message from President John Previsich, SMART Transportation Division: This office is receiving numerous inquiries regarding two tentative agreements recently proposed by a general committee for its members on a portion of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway. One of the agr [...]
The theme of the SMART Transportation Division’s Convention in San Diego, Calif., June 30-July 2, was “Strong, Proud, United,” and videos were presented to the delegates and attendees each day during the convention that embodied those concepts. SMART Transpo [...]
I would like to congratulate John Previsch who was elected president of the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers’ Transportation Division this week. In addition to John, I would like to extend my congratulations and best wishes [...]
By Joe Nigro, SMART General President – Recently, SMART Sheet Metal Division Local 9 and Transportation Division Local 202 came together to honor the memory of the victims of a massacre that occurred 100 years ago. On April 20, 1914, the Colorado National Guard joined with s [...]
By John Previsich, SMART Transportation Division President – Organizing – it is good for you, for our members, for our union and also for America. Those of us who enjoy the benefits of working as organized labor are acutely aware of the value that our membership in the union [...]