Q&A with SMART TD President Previsich at San Antonio Regional Meeting, June 14, 2017 SMART TD President John Previsich answers members’ questions during the closing session. SMART TD President Previsich honors retiree Ken Menges at San Antonio Regional [...]
General President Joseph Sellers Jr. recently met with SMART TD general chairpersons at the SMART TD Western General Chairperson’s Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Click here to watch a video of GP Sellers addressing the issues SMART TD members face.
Bruce Robert Wigent, 73, of Prescott, Wis., died Wednesday, May 25 at United Hospital. A member of Local 1709 in Pontiac, Mich., Wigent hired out as a switchman on the Grand Trunk Western Railroad in December 1964. He was first elected as a local officer in 1970 and then serv [...]
Yvonne Hayes, chairperson of Local 1138 in Miami, Florida, and an assistant general chairperson (GO‐851), was recently selected to serve as a member of the FEMA National Advisory Council (NAC) Railroad Emergency Services Preparedness, Operational Needs and Safety Evaluation ( [...]
The SMART TD annual Regional Meeting in San Antonio is coming up soon – reserve your spot now! Click here to reserve online and for additional information. Educate—Organize—Mobilize! This is the theme for SMART Transportation Division’s upcoming regional meetings, to be held [...]
Employees of the railroad are no strangers to working long hours and ever-changing shifts. Despite these challenges, rail workers are expected to maintain healthy sleep habits. Click here to learn more about sleep management with RailroadersSleep.org’s, “Smart Sl [...]
Earlier this week, the House of Representatives passed an anti-worker bill misguidedly labeled as the “Working Families Flexibility Act” (H.R. 1180). This harmful legislation would let employers give workers paid time off instead of being required to pay one and a half times [...]
In this important video message, SMART General President Sellers reassured members about the value of having collectively bargained health care coverage. Click on the image to view video or visit this link.
The SMART TD Ohio State Legislative Board’s Director Stuart Gardner and Assistant Director Ralph Leichliter went on The Union Edge: Labor’s Talk Radio to explain to listeners why Right-to-Work is Wrong not just for Ohioans, but for all working families. Click here [...]
If signed into law, President Trump’s 2018 budget proposal would eliminate Amtrak’s long distance train service. The immediate fall out would be significant for all American rail workers resulting in the loss of 10,000 non-Northeast Corridor Amtrak jobs by the end of this yea [...]