Category: Leadership
Video: Mobilizing For Hurricane Relief
In this video, General President Sellers discusses SMART operations directed at hurricane relief for members affected by recent hurricanes. This includes the dispersal of approximately $500,000 (to date) in cash and material relief contributions to affected sheet metal and tr [...]Local officers elected in 2017, LCA officer elections in 2018
Members are reminded that regular elections of Local officers are being conducted in November 2017, but regular elections for Local Committee of Adjustment (LCA) officers are not held until 2018. As per the Constitution’s Article 21B, Section 57, Local officers are elected ev [...]- Tags LCA elections, local elections
Member Disaster Relief Needs Increase!
Updated: September 13, 2017 Dear Members of the SMART Transportation Division: The catastrophic storm damage and flood waters caused by Hurricane Harvey and Irma have devastated Texas and Florida with loss of life and immeasurable destruction of property. Some of those affect [...]Labor Day – Thank your Union day
By John Risch, National Legislative Director, SMART Transportation Division Enjoy yourself this Labor Day weekend, provided you’re lucky enough to get the weekend off. In my 30 plus years working freight rail, I worked many a Labor Day weekend, but I am lucky to get this one [...]- Tags John Risch, Labor Day, workers' rights
Active and retired railroad members and their families covered under The NRC/UTU Health and Welfare Plan, The Railroad Employees National Health and Welfare Plan and The Railroad Employees National Early Retirement Major Medical Plan impacted by Hurricane Harvey can find impo [...]UTUIA donates $5k to Hurricane Harvey relief
The United Transportation Insurance Association (UTUIA), in a show of fraternal solidarity and generosity, has donated $5,000.00 to the UTU Disaster Relief Fund to be used for SMART TD members who have been negatively impacted by Hurricane Harvey. “Many Brothers and Sis [...]Our SMART TD Brothers and Sisters in Texas need your help!
Dear Members of the SMART Transportation Division: The catastrophic flood waters caused by Hurricane Harvey have devastated Houston and its surrounding communities with loss of life and immeasurable destruction of property. Some of those affected by the devastation are our Br [...]Ohio SLD Gardner continues the discussion on two-person crews with The Union Edge
SMART TD Ohio State Legislative Director Stu Gardner continued his discussion with The Union Edge: Labor’s Talk Radio on why we need two-person crews. The show aired Tuesday, Aug. 22. Click play below to listen. [...]Risch Op-Ed: Bigger trucks destroy roads
SMART TD National Legislative Director John Risch recently wrote an opinion editorial, published by Inforum, about how larger trucks destroy roads and take away important railroad jobs. “Beyond destroying our roads, increasing the weight of trucks will shift freight tra [...]- Tags large trucks, railroad jobs