Holiday message from TD President Jeremy Ferguson

Brothers and sisters — The year is drawing to a close and we have put the nation on notice. We transportation workers are the definition of essential, and as the nation struggles with a major weather event with zero-degree temperatures and face-numbing sub-zero wind-chills, o [...]

More than 13,000 comments received for FRA’s Rule of 2

The SMART Transportation Division would like to thank all of you for your historic response to the FRA’s Notice of Public Rulemaking (NPRM) on Freight Train Crew Size. In the moment when our livelihood and the safety of all involved was on the line, SMART members, along with [...]

Split decision: Unions for engineers and conductors take different routes in freight rail contract ratification vote

BLET members vote to ratify national rail agreement with the nation’s Class I railroads; operating craft (Train & Engine service) members of SMART-TD have voted to reject it, while TD yardmasters have voted to ratify their national agreement. INDEPENDENCE, Ohio — Voting c [...]

SMART-TD, BLET town hall yields facts about tentative agreement

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio, November 11 — At a November 9 Town Hall meeting, SMART Transportation Division President Jeremy Ferguson and Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen President Dennis Pierce discussed the tentative National Rail Agreement with dozens of members fro [...]