No room for drugs, alcohol in workplace

By Assistant President John Previsich We all know that drug and alcohol use can have a negative impact on users, fellow employees and the transportation industry. That said, it must be emphasized that SMART members are to be commended for setting a compliance standard that pl [...]

Congressional elections matter to UTU members

By John Risch,Alternate National Legislative Director – Congressional elections do matter. They make a difference when it comes to our job security, wages, benefits, retirement and our safety in the workplace. President Obama and labor-friendly congressional representat [...]

Romney will deliver on his promises

By International President Mike Futhey –  There is an old political saying: “If you stop lying about me, I’ll stop telling the truth about you.” When it comes to Mitt Romney, we don’t have to tell the truth about him. He already is telling the truth about himself. Here [...]

Every tool in use to protect members’ jobs, safety

Delivering on the theme of the 2012 regional meetings – “We will not back down” – UTU International President Mike Futhey told more than 1,000 attendees at the Memphis meeting how the UTU is using every tool available – negotiations, legislative and legal — to defend it [...]

We will not back down

By UTU International President Mike Futhey and SMWIA General President Joe Nigro –  We are just months from one of the most important Election Days in our careers. Not in our lifetimes has organized labor been under attack as we are today from corporate-funded anti-worker con [...]