Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) testified in today in hearings before the FRA, in support of a two-person crew rule for all freight trains. Seated directly behind the Senator is John Risch, SMART TD Legislative Director. Risch, SMART TD Member Mike Rankin, and TTD President Ed [...]
Along with Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), leaders and members of transportation unions, including TTD and SMART TD, provided compelling testimony to the FRA today, in support of a federal rule that would mandate a minimum of two crew members for all freight train operations. [...]
SMART TD member Mike Rankin recounts his own experience for The Hill with a focus on FRA hearings being held today, to advocate closing all loopholes and enact a rule mandating that all freight trains be operated with a minimum of a two-person crew. Read the complete article [...]
Eleven unions filed petitions in a local W.Va. court arguing that the state’s new “Right-to-work” law amounts to an illegal seizure of their property and resources. The bill was vetoed by Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, however, his veto was overrode by a Republican majority in th [...]
In May, 2015, Kerrie Orozco, an Omaha, Nebraska, police officer one day away from maternity leave, was shot and killed by a fleeing suspect she had been attempting to serve with a warrant. Orozco had married in 2012 and gave birth to her first natural child on February 17, 20 [...]
For years, the NFL and San Diego Chargers engaged the City of San Diego in talks about building a new football stadium. Recently, the Chargers approached the San Diego Building Trades to assist in overcoming some of the obstacles that had arisen in those talks. Other NFL team [...]
SMART Transportation Division Local 60 at Newark, N.J., has scheduled a motorcycle bike run for Saturday, July 16. Proceeds from the bike run will go to support the charity, Railmen for Children. The ride is open to anyone who wishes to participate. The cost is $20 per rider, [...]
The official website of SMART Transportation Division,, is moving to In preparation for this move, both and will not be updated after close of business July 8 until further notice. During this period, important ne [...]
Conductor Kenneth Paul “K.P.” Smith Jr., 59, of Local 1313 at Amarillo, Texas, died last week (June 28) when two BNSF trains crashed just outside of Amarillo. Two others, Cody Owens, 52, and Lara Gayle Taylor, 45, also died in the crash. Owens and Taylor were form [...]
Top Notch of Indiana recognized Sheet Metal Workers Local No. 20 with the Training Excellence Award during its seventh annual Standards of Excellence Awards program luncheon on May 19 at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The event honored select organizations that earned the h [...]