Increasing Number of Americans See Positive Role of Unions

A new Gallup poll shows 52% of Americans believe labor unions benefit the broader U.S. economy, while only 41% believe unions hurt the economy. Although that is still below the historical norm, this it is the most positive Americans have been about unions in a decade and refl [...]

Labor Day: Demonstrating Our Spirit and Strength

The New York City Central Labor Union held the first Labor Day on September 5, 1882—exactly 134 years before this year’s holiday. Then as now, it is a day for enjoyment and for reflection, for remembering the struggles of the past and recommitting to our own work of today and [...]

Happy Labor Day from SMART TD

SMART Transportation Division wishes everyone a happy Labor Day. Read below to learn about the history of Labor Day.   Department of Labor on the history of Labor Day Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the so [...]

Focus on education at 2016 Regional Meetings

The 2016 Regional Meetings held in July in San Francisco and Chicago was deemed a success by SMART Transportation Division (SMART TD) members who attended. In San Francisco, 298 members attended the meetings, with a total of 507 (including spouses, children, vendors, etc.) pe [...]

Inflatable Rat Has Its Day In Court

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit has found that Unions have the First Amendment right to display an inflatable rat as part of an area standards campaign.  Furthermore, localities that attempt to prohibit the use of inflatable rats may be infringing on that Fi [...]

BPRR employees vote SMART TD

On August 29, 2016, Maintenance of Way (MOW) and Signalmen, employed by Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad (BPRR), voted for representation by SMART Transportation Division. The National Mediation Board certified the election results August 30. The vote adds 36 MOW and 10 Sign [...]