David Pryor, Amtrak conductor and member of SMART TD Local 168, loves his job on the commuter rail and shared his sentiments and experiences in a recent interview with The Atlantic. Not only does the job provide him with the opportunity to travel, he also noted that being o [...]
By John Risch, SMART TD National Legislative Director For those of you who don’t know me, I’m honored to serve as your elected National Legislative Director. I came from the ranks, starting in the track department on the Burlington Northern and went into train service, spendi [...]
Members of SMART Transportation Division Local 1715 in Charlotte, N.C., overwhelmingly approved a new three-year contract, Friday, Sept. 9, reports Vice President Calvin Studivant. “I would like to thank General Chairperson (GCA TMD) Hasson Trent, Vice General Chairpers [...]
Proposed rule: “Competitive Passenger Rail Service Pilot Program” The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register August 22. This proposed rulemaking from the FRA is a direct result of Section 1130 [...]
A new Gallup poll shows 52% of Americans believe labor unions benefit the broader U.S. economy, while only 41% believe unions hurt the economy. Although that is still below the historical norm, this it is the most positive Americans have been about unions in a decade and refl [...]
The New York City Central Labor Union held the first Labor Day on September 5, 1882—exactly 134 years before this year’s holiday. Then as now, it is a day for enjoyment and for reflection, for remembering the struggles of the past and recommitting to our own work of today and [...]
SMART Transportation Division wishes everyone a happy Labor Day. Read below to learn about the history of Labor Day. Department of Labor on the history of Labor Day Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the so [...]
The 2016 Regional Meetings held in July in San Francisco and Chicago was deemed a success by SMART Transportation Division (SMART TD) members who attended. In San Francisco, 298 members attended the meetings, with a total of 507 (including spouses, children, vendors, etc.) pe [...]