With Panel Vote Looming, AFL-CIO Formally Opposes NLRB Nominees

With the confirmation vote looming, the AFL-CIO formally opposed GOP President Donald Trump’s two nominees to the National Labor Relations Board, management-side lawyers Marvin Kaplan of the D.C. area and William Emanuel of Los Angeles.  It says the two appear not to even bel [...]

Take Action to Protect Prevailing Wages

An attack on the Davis Bacon Act Act, which sets prevailing wages that protect wage standard for SMART sheet metal workers across the United States, died in the House last week. Every member deserves recognition for your calls and emails in ensuring this victory. With that in [...]

Trump Labor Board Nominees Questioned for Anti-Worker Ties

Story via Mark Gruenberg, Press Associates Inc. In a multi-hour exhibition of evasion, Republican President Donald Trump’s two nominees to vacant National Labor Relations Board seats spent several hours before the Senate Labor Committee ducking, bobbing and weaving and genera [...]

‘Built to Succeed’ In Indiana

The world of apprenticeships work much like academia – many good programs all work to recruit the same stellar students. In Indiana, instead of fighting for those students, training coordinators banded together to form Built to Succeed, a group created to increase awareness, [...]

National negotiations update: Coordinated Bargaining Group Unions say contract negotiations take a “step backwards”

For immediate release July 7, 2017 As part of our ongoing effort to conclude national contract negotiations, the Coordinated Bargaining Group (CBG) met with the nation’s freight rail Carriers (NCCC) for three days during the week of June 26th. These efforts were part of our o [...]

Reflecting on Labor and 150 Years

As Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary this year, many across our vast country will be celebrating and remembering the history that made Canada the great nation it is today.  Labour played a key role in that history, by fighting for rights and improving conditions for all [...]