Commercial Building Construction On Rise

A majority of commercial builders and contractors in the United States plan to employ more workers in the coming months – assuming they can find them. In fact, 61 percent of contractors maintain they are having a difficult time finding workers to man projects with skill [...]

Canada Takes Stand Against Right to Work During NAFTA Talks

Canada is formally demanding, in talks on a new NAFTA agreement, that any such pact force the U.S. to eliminate so-called right-to-work laws. During the 2016 U.S. campaign, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump labeled NAFTA “the worst trade pact ever signed” and vowed to dum [...]

Union Approval Soars In the United States

A Gallup Poll released on Labor Day weekend found that 61% of American adults approve of organized labor — the highest percentage since 2003, when approval was at 65%. The 2017 approval rate is up 5 percentage points from last year and 13 points above the all-time low of 48% [...]

Labor Day – Thank your Union day

By John Risch, National Legislative Director, SMART Transportation Division Enjoy yourself this Labor Day weekend, provided you’re lucky enough to get the weekend off. In my 30 plus years working freight rail, I worked many a Labor Day weekend, but I am lucky to get this one [...]