Happy Canada Day and Fourth of July!

Let’s offer our Sisters, Brothers and Friends to the north a belated “Happy Canada Day” on Sunday, June first. Before the rest of us begin to enjoy ourselves and spend time with our friends, family and loved ones on this Fourth of July, let’s pause to remember the liberties w [...]

GP Sellers Video: Transportation Safety

Assaults on bus and transit operators occur daily, threatening the safety of working members and the riding public. Every day there is more news of incidents where unruly passengers have spit on, threatened, beaten, stabbed or even shot some of our Brothers and Sisters while [...]

Tell Michigan Republicans You Will Remember In November

Michigan Republicans just voted to take prevailing wages away from all construction workers on publicly funded projects across the state. The legislature could have let the issue go to the ballot, but chose to take it up and approve it on Wednesday. Shortly after the Senate p [...]

Stay Up to Date By Texting SMART to 21333

By signing up for text message alerts will be be the first to know about breaking news from across our Union and new job opportunities via periodic updates via sites such the Job Bank. You will also be the first to take advantage of giveaways and services provided to you as a [...]

Majority of Congress Failed to Support Retirees In 2017

The Alliance for Retired Americans recently released its 2017 voting record which scored every U.S. Representative and Senator on issues affecting current and future retirees. The annual report examined 10 key Senate and House votes in 2017, highlighting issues concerning the [...]

May 8th #CountMeIn Rally In NYC

In recent years, there’s been plenty of conversation in America about income inequality, with talk of the one percent versus the 99 percent. People have rightfully asked how corporate profits and CEO incomes can rise so high, while working-class and middle-class wages continu [...]

SMART SM Local 66 Member Smashes the Glass Ceiling

  The Penny Hoarder profiles Local 66 member Vanessa Carman who has made a career of smashing the glass ceiling at work as a Local 66 sheet metal worker and in her free time as a weight lifter.  Ads the article points out, “fifteen years ago, she helped her brother [...]