State Resources and Benefits Available for Workers Impacted by COVID-19

State Resources and Benefits The following are online links to U.S. states and some local municipal resources for workers that have been impacted by COVID-19.  Within these links are resources for Unemployment Insurance as well as other support services. ALABAMA General infor [...]

U.S./ Canada Emergency Legislative Center

The purpose of this page is to serve as an information clearinghouse for clear and accurate information about emergency legislative an regulatory activity regarding the COVID-19 outbreak affecting the general public along with SMART members and their families.  This site is t [...]

New Emergency Employment Insurance Benefits Passed In Canada

Below is a summary of EI sickness benefits, EI regular benefits, the new Emergency Care Benefit and a new Emergency Support Benefit for Canadian members passed by the Canadian government.  EI Sickness Benefits Workers that have been diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus or are en [...]

Families First Act Signed Into Law: How This Affects SMART Members

On March 18, 2020, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act was signed into law, marking the second major legislative initiative to address COVID-19 (the first was signed on March 6 and provided emergency funding relief for domestic and global efforts). The Families First [...]

SMART-TD petitions federal agencies for worker COVID-19 protections

CLEVELAND, Ohio. (March 20, 2020) — SMART Transportation Division filed a request to both the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) urging them to issue Emergency Orders (EO) to address employee safety conditions in respo [...]

Union Plus Hardship Assistance

Union Plus is available to help SMART members and their families through times of uncertainty with unique Hardship Help benefits. Find out if you’re eligible for these Union Plus programs. Financial Assistance Strike Benefits Strike Grant for Union Plus Credit Cardholde [...]

SMART COVID-19 Resources for Union Members

SMART takes all threats to members and the general public seriously and stands ready to assist those in our communities when dealing with the coronavirus outbreak. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Canadian Public Health Agency (PHA) have been [...]

Breaking: Construction Industry Exempted From IRAPs

Brothers and sisters, Our collective actions in support of exempting the construction industry from Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAPs) made a difference. In 2017, the Trump Administration issued Executive Order No. 13801 seeking to establish a Task Force on A [...]