Updated comment from Kansas State Legislative Director Ty Dragoo: “I want to thank everyone involved; this was a team effort. And what an honor to have Vice President Brent Leonard and National State Legislative Director Greg Hynes in attendance during the si [...]
SMART-TD’s shift to Regional Training Seminars (RTS) has been gaining momentum throughout 2022 and 2023. Last week in Toledo, Ohio, roughly 200 SMART-TD members gathered and received intense hands-on training from this organization’s best sources of information. Much like it [...]
From October 3-6 SMART-TD held a Regional Training Seminar in Toledo, Ohio featuring classes to sharpen the skills of Local Chairs, Presidents, Legislative Representatives, Secretaries, and Treasurers. The four days of coursework were packed with information and learnin [...]
Last week, SMART-TD announced that 8 of its General Committees of Adjustment reached a tentative agreement with BNSF regarding important quality of life issues and predictability for time off. Voter instructions have been sent out to all eligible BNSF members via USPS first c [...]
On Thursday, September 21st, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial titled “A Union Railroad Job In Congress.” In it, the Editorial Board cast aspersions on nameless, faceless railroad unions, directly stating that labor sought to capitalize on the life-altering devas [...]
After a long and distinguished career fighting for the rights and well being of SMART Transportation Division Bus Department members, Vice President Calvin Studivant retired on Sept. 30. “It’s been a pleasure serving with Brother Calvin in many capacities going back many year [...]
“Our rail members from BNSF properties definitely had their voices heard in this process and they should be proud to see their fingerprints throughout this outstanding TA. They were very clear that they wanted a level of predictability for when their time off would be honored [...]
It’s easy to levy criticism at the training programs run by the railroad carriers in 2023. But as we all know, criticism is meaningless without action. SMART Transportation Division is doing more than talking about the decline in the quality and quantity of training new hire [...]
While our online registration options for the upcoming Transportation Division Regional Training Seminars (RTS) to take place in Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 3 through 6 and in Davenport, Iowa, Nov. 6 through 9, have been disrupted, these events will go on as planned. For those who hav [...]
Brothers and sisters — As the strike action of our brothers and sisters at the UAW moves forward, I wanted to reach out to all SMART-TD members and reiterate our support for the UAW and the goals they are working to achieve. On Thursday, I reached out to our rail members to l [...]