As a union, we are reaching out to request your support of one of our brothers in his moment of need. Brother Greg Nunez from SMART-TD Local 898 (Boston, Mass.) has been a SMART-TD member for over nine years. He works as a conductor for Keolis in commuter service. More import [...]
John Trembczynski, vice local chairperson of LCA 623/IHB, and former three-term Local President of Local 1381 (Hammond, Ind.) has been forced into early retirement due to a series of bouts with cancer. Brother Trembcynski has been on the railroad as a conductor an [...]
Local 600 in Cumberland, Md., is mourning the loss of CSX conductor trainee Travis Bradley alongside his family and friends. Shortly after midnight August 7, Brother Bradley, 40, died from injuries he received Aug. 6 while working in an incident involving a close clearance in [...]
The daughter of General Chairperson Richard Finley (GCA-RCL), Tori Brianna White, passed away at the untimely age of 28 on Feb. 26, leaving a huge void in the lives of Brother Finley, her mother, Stephanie L. Brown, and members of SMART Transportation Division Local 1558 in B [...]
Switchman Thomas A. Wall, 22, of Local 206 (Peru, Ind.) died suddenly on Oct. 19 after experiencing a flare-up of an autoimmune liver disease while at work. His family said that he was responding well to treatment and was looking forward to returning to work after undergoing [...]
SMART Local 556 (Tacoma, Wash.) recognized a moment of silence for their fallen brother this week. BNSF Brakeman William “Bill” Laver, 51, of Grapeview, Wash., had his life of dedicated service cut short Friday, Sept. 16 by an alleged drunken driver while he was o [...]
Local 1846 in West Colton, Calif., tragically lost a brother on Sept. 8, and a fundraiser has been established to help his family in this inexplicably difficult time. Conductor Zachery “Zach” Lara, 25, and his engineer Steven Brown were in helper service assistin [...]
Members in Local 1263 (Valdosta, Ga.) are in mourning after their Local Chairperson Richard G. Keen Jr., 36, was killed in a car accident caused by a drunk driver Saturday, Sept. 10 while on his way home from work as an engineer at Norfolk Southern. A member of SMART-TD since [...]
Mario Navarro, 49, a SMART-TD member out of Local 18 (El Paso, Texas), died late Aug. 29 after a pair of rail cars derailed in an accident in Union Pacific’s Alfalfa Rail Yard during a shoving movement. An online fundraiser has been established to help his family throug [...]
General Chairperson Craig Patch (GCA-TMM) is facing a diagnosis of brain cancer and a fundraiser has been established to help him and his family through a difficult time. LCA-TMM Secretary Michael Jenkins said Brother Patch faces a treatment period of a year to 18 months. He [...]