Government of Canada’s 2023 Federal Budget a win for SMART members, union workers

The Government of Canada released its 2023 Federal Budget on March 28, 2023, outlining the government’s priorities for the near- and long-term future. Importantly for union construction workers and SMART members, the 2023 budget makes enormous investments in a green energy system that will be largely built by union labor.

Delivering for Canadians now!

Throughout the past federal election and since, SMART and unions across Canada have urged parties to put people before politics. We can finally say that two parties, the Liberals and New Democrats, have delivered and united together to form a governing majority. While Conserv [...]

Moving our agenda forward… together!

As I reflect upon the end of 2021, I would be remiss to not mention how appreciative I am of each SMART member’s dedication and perseverance during a continued uphill battle with COVID-19. Over the last 22 months of this pandemic, our members have stood on the frontlines, bui [...]

SM LU 280 SMART Army Helps Local Charity Aid Community

In September 2021, Langley Meals on Wheels contacted SMART Army Canada Local 280 to assist them with obtaining a donation of 3 stainless-steel prep tables for their new facility. Langley Meals on Wheels is a charitable, non-profit society providing affordable menu plans and s [...]

Moving Forward With a Minority — Power to the Workers!

Canada’s unions are calling on all levels of government to provide adequate support for workers and their families as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic reverberate in communities throughout the nation. As the dust settles on an unnecessary and uncalled-for federal election [...]