Call for photos: “From America’s roads to rails, we want to see your best shots!”

February 24, 2025

SMART-TD is always on the lookout for great photographs of work-related scenes. 

If you have a great picture on the rails, on the road, out the window or back at the shop consider sharing it with your union brothers and sisters! 

If your photo is selected as one of the best submitted, it will be featured by SMART News and you will receive some SMART swag!  

Mail printed photographs to: 

6060 Rockside Woods Blvd. N, Suite 325 
Independence OH, 44131 

High resolution digital photos should be in JPG format at the largest, highest quality setting available to you. Email them to We prefer horizontal compositions. 

Tell us about your photos — please include a document listing your name, local, when and where the photo was taken, what’s going on and the names of anyone in the picture. List names as they appear in the photo, left to right.  

All photographs submitted become the property of SMART, which allows us to publish them in the calendar, newspaper, social media, and other places. Calendar submissions are limited to active SMART members and alumni. 

Remember to review your employer’s policies regarding the use of cameras and other electronics on property or during work hours.