On June 24, the California Energy Commission determined that the Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau (TABB—a function of NEMIC) met the requirements in Section 10-103-B(e) of the Standards to be conditionally approved as an authorized Interim Mechanical Acceptance Test Technician and Contractor Certification Provider. As a result, TABB is now a state-recognized provider and certifies contractors and technicians.
Acceptance tests are pass/fail tests for mechanical systems and equipment for newly constructed buildings, major renovations, and all newly installed replacement equipment.
Under interim approval, both ICB/TABB-certified technicians and their employers are required to attend training in eight of the 17 acceptance tests.
Acceptance tests ensure code compliance and promote optimization of efficiency and performance of qualified mechanical systems in commercial buildings. They serve to determine whether specific building components, equipment, systems and interfaces between systems conform to criteria set forth in the 2013 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards for nonresidential buildings only. This includes offices, retail stores, factories, warehouses, schools, churches, hotels, motels and other non-residential occupancy types. The tests are an effective tool to ensure proper installation of equipment and meeting the energy goals of owners, occupants and the community. The benefits of properly installed systems include energy savings, extended equipment life, health, comfort and safety.
In general, the acceptance tests apply to new equipment and systems installed in new construction, change-out or retrofit applications. If an acceptance test is required, the appropriate form along with each specific test must be submitted to the enforcement agency before a final occupancy permit can be granted.
ICB/TABB-Certified Acceptance Test Technicians (ATTs) are ideally positioned to provide this service. They are building mechanical specialists trained and certified by NEMIC Acceptance Test Technician Certification Providers (ATTCPs). ATTs conduct required tests, submit results and certificates to enforcement agencies and are employed by ICB/TABB-Certified ATT Contractors. These contractors are required to have specialized training by a NEMIC ATTCP.
“The new California legislation will dramatically increase market demand for mechanical acceptance testing in commercial buildings throughout the state,” said James Page, NEMIC administrator. “If technicians and contractors want to be part of this growing work opportunity, they must be certified.”
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