Annual rally brings workers together in Houston

October 18, 2024

The eighth annual Rail Labor Solidarity Rally, hosted by the SMART-TD railroad union, brought together hundreds of railroad workers and union leaders to Houston, Texas, this week.

SMART-TD encourages collective action

The event fosters collaboration among various railroad crafts and focuses on the shared mission of protecting safety and job security and advancing railroad workers’ rights.

SMART shared tips and tactics with members and leadership from the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE) and the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division (BMWED). Together we celebrated our combined strength, pursued greater unity among railroad workers, and shared our best practices and planned future actions.

Texas barbecue with a side of solidarity

SMART-TD General Chairperson Roy Davis (GCA-577, Union Pacific), along with his dedicated team of volunteers, served up world-class Texas barbecue, a hallmark of the event. Davis and his team worked the smokers and grills for the better part of two days to prepare their renowned brisket and chicken, contributing to the rally’s growing popularity year after year.

Unions like SMART-TD wield incredible power for change

The event included insightful speeches and a lively Q&A session. Speakers included SMART-TD President Jeremy Ferguson, Texas Safety and Legislative Director Kamron Saunders, and leaders from both the BLE and BMWED.

A highlight of the day was the appearance of Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, who spoke passionately about the power unions wield for shaping worker-oriented safety guidelines and legislation at all levels of government.

Giffords emphasized the importance of union solidarity in advocating for railroad workers and the labor movement as a whole. She also spoke about the upcoming election in November and how pivotal it is to the labor movement that we show up and support the candidates who are with us and will use their office to build on workers’ rights.

SMART-TD railroad union event connects members with RRB, UTUIA and the FRA

The Solidarity Rally also provided attendees with the opportunity for one-on-one consultations with representatives from organizations such as the Railroad Retirement Board, our fraternal insurance organization, the UTUIA, and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA).

Despite our organizational differences, solidarity is essential for the future of all rail labor. Attendees enjoyed great food, great fellowship, and prepared to face our shared challenges. The annual event once again united railroad workers and amplified our voices in the ongoing fight for fairness and safety in the industry.

Door prize raffle adds excitement to the rally

One of the most popular events at this annual rally is the raffling of prizes donated by our SMART-TD Auxiliary, Designated Legal Counsel, and others. This year there were coolers, lunch bags, gift cards, and other fun items being raffled. The grand prize of a 65-inch LG TV donated by the Auxiliary was won by SMART-TD’s own Matt Wright, an engineer from Local 1929 (East St. Louis, Ill.).

SMART-TD would like to congratulate Brother Wright on his win, and we would like to thank all of our SMART-TD brothers and sisters who volunteered their time to make this year’s Solidarity Rally the huge success it was.