Vivian Porretto, spouse of UTU member John Porretto (Local 597, Des Planes, Ill.), sent the following unsolicited comment to the International after reviewing with her husband the voting materials on the National Rail Contract, and making comparisons with other private- and public-sector workers whose paychecks are being frozen or reduced and whose health care insurance contributions and co-insurance are being increased significantly:
Wrote Vivian Porretto:
“To read the UTU website and thinking how people are questioning the health care package in this contract was just it for me.
“This is an amazing contract and everyone should be thanking you guys for working so hard to get it.
“To be able to pay only $200 a month for some of the best health care money can buy for years to come — that is unheard of. My son pays over $4,000 a year for family coverage for an HMO!
“Anyone who doesn’t think this contract is a great deal should ask a teacher in Wisconsin what happens when collective bargaining is prohibited and insurance contributions are increased.
“Vote YES on this contract.”
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