Dear Member,
As a SMART-TD Member enrolled in the Voluntary Long Term Disability (VLTD) Plan, you received communication in February regarding updates to the VLTD Plan and the decision by SMART-TD to transition from Amalgamated Life Insurance Company to Sun Life Financial, effective March 1, 2023. This decision helps ensure the sustained success of the VLTD Plan and to provide SMART-TD members with better benefit options. You are not required to take any action during this transition to be covered by the new Sun Life plan.
Recently, you may have received (or may receive) a letter from Amalgamated stating that you can keep your coverage with Amalgamated on an individual basis by setting up “a direct payment arrangement through your checking account” with them. While you may stay covered by Amalgamated if you prefer, you will automatically remain covered by the SMART-TD Voluntary Disability Plan with Sun Life. SMART-TD will continue payroll-deducting your monthly VLTD premium and will remit those premiums to Sun Life on your behalf, so nothing is required of you to remain covered.
Below is important information for your reference:
- Enrolled SMART-TD members have been covered by Sun Life since March 1, 2023.
- Your monthly payroll deducted premiums have been paid to Sun Life and your coverage is current.
- Members covered by the new Sun Life plan do not owe Amalgamated any premiums.
- If you are currently on a claim with Amalgamated, you will maintain your monthly benefits through Amalgamated for the duration of your claim.
If you have any questions, please contact the SMART TD Customer Service Center at 224-770-5328.
— SMART Transportation Division
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