Don’t let outsiders drive a wedge between us

October 7, 2024

Deputy National Safety and Legislative Director Jared Cassity issued a stark reminder of the stakes we face as union members.

“Sitting in D.C., I watch how the politics affects this country. Our issues are not political. Our issues are not Republican. They’re not Democratic. They’re either right or they’re wrong.

“In this [union], there are no political adversaries … in this union, our issues are our issues, and they are worth fighting for. There is not a single person in this room that cannot sympathize or empathize or understand that no one deserves to wake up in the morning and wonder, is today going to be the day that I’m verbally assaulted while I’m doing my job?

I“s someone going to lay hands on me, spit on me, piss on me, stab me, shoot me? None of you are going to stand by that. Every single one of you will fight for that.

“No one should deserve to wake up and wonder “is today the day that my carrier is going to fail to provide me a safe workspace? Is today the day that I lose limbs? That I suffer a career or life altering injury? Is today the day that I don’t make it home?

“That’s not Republican. That’s not Democrat. That is union. And all of you should stand united when we talk about these issues. Do not let someone else drive a wedge between you. We move forward together.

“We move forward as a union. We have got to fight, and that’s what we’re going to do.”

Cassity’s rallying cry is essential for all SMART-TD members to hear and understand. Our lives and livelihoods require us to rise above partisan politics to protect our collective power. 

Cassity delivered his remarks during his acceptance speech at the SMART-TD convention on August 11, 2024.