Dear Class II and Class III executives:
As most of you may know, each year Railway Age accepts nominations for its annual Short Line/Regional Railroad of the Year competition. Self-nominations are accepted, even encouraged – and we invite you to consider nominating your operation for recognition in 2016.
Our 2016 winners will be awarded specially designed plaques at the American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association (ASSLRA) Connections Convention in National Harbor, Md., April 3-6, 2016. Articles describing their achievements will appear in Railway Age’s March 2016 issue, which will be distributed at the show. We’ll work with the winners to publicize the awards in online and national media, as well as Railway Age and its sister websites.
Some of you already have been recognized in the past for outstanding work, but we’ve honored “repeat” winners in the past, which we deem quite appropriate.
Please complete this submittal form and email it to Carolina Worrell at If email is not available, forms may be submitted via fax to
(212) 633-1863.
Entries should contain the name, position, and contact information of the nominator and an approximately 500-word description of the achievement(s) of the nominated railroad.
The entry deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2016.