The SMART Transportation Division is conducting a local treasurers’ workshop at the Sheet Metal Workers Local 67 Hall in San Antonio, Texas, March 11-12.
Attendance is limited to 30 registrants.
Those interested in attending the workshop should contact the office of the SMART TD director of updating/auditing department. Call (216) 228-9400, or email Karen Cashin at The deadline to register is Feb. 28.
While all local treasurerswill likely benefit from this workshop, newly elected treasurers are strongly encouraged to attend.
The two-day session will include all training and materials at no cost to local treasurers. However, the local is responsible for all other costs associated with the treasurer’s attendance at the workshop. Lost time or salary, travel, hotel and meal expenses connected with attendance may be reimbursed if pre-approved at a local meeting as an allowable expense of the local.
The workshop will provide local treasurers with hands-on training on the responsibilities and reporting duties pertaining to their office, including direct receipts and Winstabs. It will also focus on completion of mandatory filings for LM reports and Form 990 and DOL requirements.
The workshop will be held at the Sheet Metal Workers Local 67 Hall located at 11 Burwood Lane in San Antonio. Corporate room rates of $99 per night, plus tax, are available at the Holiday Inn San Antonio International Airport located at 77 N.E. Loop 410, just a few miles from the Sheet Metal Hall. The Holiday Inn will provide free shuttle service to the hall. The deadline for room reservations is Feb. 28.
Reservations can be made by calling the Holiday Inn directly at (888) 615-0518 or (210) 349-9900. Provide the code “UTU” when making reservations.
Training sessions will be conducted by SMART Transportation Division Auditors Bobby Brantley and Mike Araujo.
Space is limited and attendees will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. It is recommended that those attending make their hotel reservations at the time of registration.
Attendees should bring a notebook computer and a USB flash drive.
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